The Dream
Envision with me for a moment… -The significance of a plane load of Bibles and spiritual materials being delivered for the first time by one of our OA graduates to a remote area previously unreached by the Gospel message. -The precious lives spared by emergency medevac flights flown in and out of remote jungle airstrips by one of our OA graduates. -The food, letters and provisions delivered in the little airplane by one of our OA graduates to frontline missionaries serving far from home. -The medical team flying out to provide routine care in that inaccessible village, riding in the plane piloted by one of our OA graduates. -The crowds of smiling faces, old and young, men, women and of course, the children, some with pet dogs and one with a pet monkey, swarming around in happy greeting every time our OA graduate taxis back along the runway and shuts down the plane, climbing out with an equally broad smile of greeting and with words of encouragement. The possible scenarios go on and on. Indeed, there are as many situations to envision as there are areas still to reach with OA graduates and airplanes.
Now, envision one more scenario with me. It’s heaven, and everything is perfect and tranquil. No more sweating through the preflight under the tropical sun; no more weighing and loading baggage for the trip; no more fuelling over the wing from five-gallon jugs; no more IV bags hanging from the cockpit ceiling. It’s calm now, happy and peaceful. Everyone’s here who’s going to be here! And over there swarming around Jesus, there’s that same happy crowd of smiling faces, old and young, men, women and of course, the children, some with pet dogs and one with a pet monkey. And amongst them all I see our pilots, warmly greeting friends. She graduated from OA! He was a MAP student of mine way back in Oklahoma! I think I’ll go over and say Hi...
- Cliff Brooks

The Program
Ground School & Flight Training for Private Pilot License, with emphasis on remote operations Aircraft & General maintenance Training
Mission-appropriate Technologies & Skills
Developing Missionary Support Networks
Mission Program Management
Mission Aviation vocational training is offered as part of Oklahoma Academy’s overall objective to Prepare Workers for the Harvest. All flight and mission training is provided for enrolled program participants that maintain a minimum academic GPA. Participating students commit to spend the following year after graduation as a volunteer in a mission aviation assignment.