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Are You Ready?

Annelise Jagitsch

By Annelise Jagitsch

Are you ready for what comes next?

If you are a student, are you ready for the next big test? Are you ready to graduate college, get married, or buy a house? Are you ready for that presentation at work? There are endless “are you ready” questions for each of us. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself, are you ready for Jesus to come? Are you ready?

Recently our school went on a fall retreat at Sulfur Springs. The staff informed us of the schedule, temperature, and other details ahead of time so we could prepare. Upon arrival, we had to unload the bus and set up for lunch. Then we started Sabbath School. I was on the schedule to give the scripture reading and prayer. I had not prepared so I awkwardly stumbled through it. I wasn’t ready at all.

Throughout the day other students encountered situations they weren’t prepared for. Some students didn’t bring their water bottles. It was very hot outside and those who hadn’t prepared for the weather were miserable.

Missionaries leaving for the mission field have a lot to prepare for. Sometimes they don’t have the money or resources they need. The lack of preparation can leave them unready to serve. There are lots of situations in life that can catch us by surprise. We stumble through them and come out the other side thinking, “I should have prepared for that.” Often, we can flounder through and emerge okay. But what about Jesus' return? Are we ready for him to come back? Are we ready to stand before him and answer for our lives? Are you ready?

Jesus’ second coming isn’t something we can awkwardly stumble through and come out the other side okay. That’s not how it works at all. Either we are ready or we’re not. Every day we are given countless opportunities to prepare for Jesus' return. Jesus will never force us to get ready. He didn’t create us to be robots. Our choices direct our preparation. Now you say, “Well that makes sense but how do I get ready?”.

The simplest answer is, “get to know Him.” Grow a relationship with Him. Learn to trust Him in every aspect of your life. Let Him in. Not just part of the way. Let Him into your life and heart entirely. Push self out of the way and let Him take control of your life. Live for Him and let Him live through you. As you start living your life for Christ He will reveal to you how to get ready for His return. He will show you the things in your life that are hindering you from preparing.

You have a choice. Either you can choose to live for yourself and hold onto those things separating you from Jesus or you can let those distractions go and run to Jesus with everything you have. It’s your choice to surrender your life to Him.

Stay as close to Him as you can by reading His letter to you (the Bible), talking to Him every moment of your day, and choosing to give Him every distraction Satan throws your way.

Let’s choose to get ready now. It’s Time. Today is your day for salvation. Now is the time to let Jesus into your life. And now is the time to surrender your will to God and let Him use you and live through you. Let’s be ready for Jesus today.



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