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Choir: From Rehearsal to performance

Keisha England

This year, two of the seniors, Caleb and Savior, have the opportunity to serve as choir directors. Our current choir directors have put a lot of hard work into the rehearsals and have done extensive research outside of choir to ensure that we have a great experience.

In our rehearsals, we begin with both physical and vocal warm-ups. For the physical warm-ups, we focus on relaxing our bodies, especially our shoulders, necks, and jaws. The vocal warm-ups concentrate on breath control, resonance, and articulation. When tackling new pieces, our choir directors start with the most difficult sections. They use the "sectional" method, where the choir is divided into voice parts to work independently on our respective lines.

For fast-paced songs, they slow down the tempo initially, and once we’ve mastered the challenging passages, we gradually increase the speed until it matches the desired performance tempo. Throughout all of this, Caleb and Savior maintain a positive attitude, which helps keep morale high during rehearsals.

In addition to leading rehearsals, our choir directors also plan concert events. Before our Bristow concert, we had a dress-up concert, where we performed in formal attire. It was a great chance to showcase our hard work and look professional while doing it. After that, we traveled to Bristow the following weekend, for our first concert outside the school. For our first concert, it went really well, and we're excited for future performances!



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