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For Such A Time As This

Juliette Karasira

What a bummer. Why should I be in school for twelve years just to graduate in 2021? What kind of number is that? 2020 sounds so beautiful, so succinct. It is full of vision and opportunity. Who would’ve thought it would become associated with a worldwide pandemic, racial tensions and burning cities all along the west coast. The class of 2020 didn’t even have their senior mission trip or a normal graduation.

But as the first day of school loomed ever closer like a doomsday clock, (quarantine was glorious for this loud-introvert’s soul), I wondered what God could possibly have in store for the class of 2021. We didn’t have to wait very long for His answer. Before the first week of school was even over, we received a call to go on a mission trip! In Iowa a derecho desemated corn crops, tore roofs off, and knocked out electricity. We were called to Belle Plaine, Iowa to help with cleaning up, surveying each home and passing out canned goods from the American Red Cross. Over the course of a week, each senior had an experience that drew them closer to the Savior. That was only the second week of school! Who knows what more God has to show us this year.

Our theme this year is “For such a time as this.” Those weighty words followed an appeal to save a nation. We are in a time where an entire planet is in need of saving. In God’s infinite wisdom, He decided to place twenty-eight teenagers from four different countries here, on the campus of Oklahoma Academy. Who knows what God has in store for this year? All I know is that for such a time as this God has called me here.



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