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He Never Hurt Me

Areli Tenorio

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

By Areli Tenorio

I opened my eyes, trying to control my feelings. Why me? What is the purpose of this? Sheyna could have lived much longer. She was strong and healthy. I didn’t understand why she had to die! I wasn't there to say goodbye. And that was terrible. Sheyna, my dog, came into my life when I was 5 years old. She was my best friend. She ran with me, ate with me, and slept with me. She was my everything.

In August 2022, I boarded an airplane in Argentina (my home country) and then hours later stepped off in Oklahoma, USA. I wasn’t excited about leaving my dog and going to a new country. I didn’t want to meet new people or learn a new language, but I understood that God has reasons for everything. I just had to look for that purpose. However, one week after arriving, my dog passed away. All I could think was, “Why God? What is this?”

Sometimes we think that God is at fault for everything when Satan is truly to blame. We can’t control the pain that we feel in this world. We deny God. We refuse to follow him. But it's not Jesus' fault. He gave everything up for us. He sacrificed Himself and died for us. He did everything He could.

I have been hurt many times during my short life, and many times I have wrongfully blamed Jesus. Don't you think that we hurt God when we wrong Him? We hurt God when we sin, resulting in His death on the cross. I am horrified to think that every day we hurt God. But you know what? Every day God seeks to heal us. Even though we hurt Him deeper and deeper every day He’s still there. He stays with us and cries with us. I know that He was crying with me when my dog ​​died. We are not going to understand why bad things happened, but when we give everything to God He takes care of it for us. I cannot understand why God is so good to us.

If you are having a hard time and you don't understand why bad things happen, give everything to God today. Now is the time. Give all your cares, worries, joys, and pains to God. He cares. Remember it's not His fault that this world is so bad. He's the one who truly heals you when you are broken. He cares about you, believe me. He is a good doctor who can cure you and make you new. Just like He did for me. Sometimes I miss my dog but when I remember how God is my comforter and that He is desperate to come and take us to live in heaven where there is no more crying or pain and everything is okay. He never hurt me.



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