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Aaron Ham

Reflection on the Week of Prayer

Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

This Week of Prayer truly gave me a lot to ponder. While I enjoyed many aspects, some moments sparked deeper thoughts within me. One of the most significant takeaways was how our beliefs shaped our perspectives.

Listening to Keila share her experiences in the mission field illuminated a contrast between her joyful journey and my own. As she spoke with enthusiasm about her adventures, I reflected on my time as a missionary kid in Uganda. Although there were moments I cherished, I often felt overwhelmed by the challenges, particularly as the only Asian boy in my school. That feeling of isolation made it difficult to appreciate the richness of my experiences, leading me to question why I faced such trials.

However, throughout the Week of Prayer, I began to realize that it wasn't my experiences that were negative; rather, it was my mindset that needed adjusting. The preacher's unwavering optimism in the face of her own challenges inspired me to reconsider my perspective on my ten years in Uganda.

This week became a transformative time of realization and blessing. I was grateful for the insights I gained, and I now see that my journey, with all its ups and downs, was a precious gift from God. Her boldness and trust in God served as a powerful reminder that with the right mindset, we can embrace our experiences and grow from them.

I looked back on this opportunity to reflect and felt thankful for the blessings that came through it.

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