By Areli Tenorio

"The look is the reflection of the soul" -Unknown. It is interesting how the way we look at others can reveal our inner self. Looks also reflect how we feel, our emotions. The looks other people give us can affect our day-to-day life in a positive or negative way.
Throughout my life, I have been able to contemplate different looks from my father. Looks of anger, sadness, joy, love, reproach, enthusiasm, etc. But my favorite look is a look that reflects the happiness of God on his face. I have the joy of seeing it every time he brings a life to God through baptism. That look is difficult to explain because it's a mix of joy and love. But it’s not any love or joy except that which comes from God. The brightness that my father reflects is incredible. It’s a look I never want to stop seeing. When I see it on my father's face, I feel a reflection of all the happiness of God knowing that another person is joining His flock. A Unique and special joy and love that lasts forever. I am truly grateful that I have had the chance to grow up with the beautiful ministry of searching for souls that need that SPECIAL look.
In Luke 22: 54-62 (one of my favorite stories) Jesus tells Peter that he was going to deny Him three times that night and Peter replies that he would never do that. Then we find Peter doing exactly as Jesus said - denying Christ three times. When Peter realizes that he has actually denied Jesus, he looks up at Jesus feeling maybe a little afraid. What does he find on Jesus' face? A look of hatred? A look that says “See I told you! You didn’t listen!”? Was that what Jesus's look conveyed to him? Obviously not! Jesus looked at him with a look of FORGIVENESS, of love, of mercy! Incredible isn't it?
Jesus, on the cross, people mocking him, with blood running down his back and face, had every right to curse everyone around him. Yet what did He say? "Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing." Jesus at that moment was asking God for forgiveness for the very people responsible for His death. He looked at all those people with unconditional love. Jesus's life is full of examples of unconditional love and compassion towards people who didn't deserve it.
Did you know that God looks at you with love, with compassion? Did you know that today He is waiting for you to look to Him and see His look of salvation? God is ready to face your sins with you today. Don’t be afraid of what you might encounter if you ask Him for help. Don’t be afraid of what He might say. Don't wait any longer and seek His face today. He is waiting for you.