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Tied Elephants

Sophie Coelho


“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”  

Romans 8:2

When walking through an elephant camp, a tourist was puzzled that the elephants were tied together by only a small rope attached to their ankle, but they never attempted to break free. He asked the elephant trainer, “Why do the elephants never attempt to escape even though the rope is so fragile that they could break free at any moment?” The trainer answered, “It's because they had the same rope attached to their ankles when they were young and at that time, it was enough to detain them. Now they are conditioned to believe that it is impossible to escape. They believe the rope will still bind them, so they never try to break away.”

Have you ever wondered why some people live in bondage, stuck in their bad habits, but they never change? Have you ever found yourself in the same position? 

I have come across many people who know the Bible so well they could write whole books about God, but have not experienced His power. Like the captive elephants, they feel the consequences of bondage to sin and they long to live closer to God, but don't believe that He is capable of giving them a new heart. The Bible has numerous examples of characters that were wicked and miserable. Those who claimed God's power experienced a complete transformation in heart and character. Manasseh, regarded as one of the most wicked kings of Israel to the point of killing the prophet Isaiah, eventually accepted God's power and was saved. David, after committing murder and adultery, cried: “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me… uphold me with thy free spirit.” (Ps. 51:10,12), and he became a man after God's heart. No one is too wicked to turn around and break free. Remember today that you are the only person that can keep yourself in bondage. Nothing else can separate you from God's love and power. Accept God's power to liberate you from sin and death and be free! 


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